Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Rain and Trials

Sometimes the bright sky turns to grey. 
And the day seems dark and dreary, 
No sunshine seems to light your way, 
And your heart is sad and weary.

  Rain falls so heavily at times, 
And of't we cannot see, 
Why the dreams we had hoped for, 
Are suddenly made to flee. 

But then, there comes the rainbow, 
God's promise in the sky, 
Someday, someday, we'll understand, 
And know the reason why. 

The dark clouds are as needful, 
As the skies of cheerful blue, 
To accomplish God's own perfect will;
His promises are true.

For He hath said that, all things, 
Work together for our good, 
To them that love Him...
 Oh! let us then please Him, as we should!

 He does know what is best for us, 
And although the way seems dark, 
God has given refuge from life's storms, 
As He did for Noah, in the Ark. 

In Jesus Christ our Hope is found, 
He is Light, our Strength, the Way, 
Be still and know that He is God, 
Oh, rest in Him today! 

Be still, and know that I am God:  I will be exalted among the heathen,  
I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10


A Heart of Praise said...

What a wonderful encouraging poem! Thank you for sharing it!

A Joyful Heart said...

You're welcome!! I'm glad it was an encouragement to you!!

Laura said...

Good Morning, Miss Amy! What a lovely encouraging poem! We have had several days of rain here in Maine...much needed, I might say...for the gardens and the hay and flowers and wells and...the list goes on. But "rainy" days can be dreary...and make our hearts heavy...that is when we need to turn all of our focus on Him...our Sustainer...our Strength...our Refuge...for He alone can make the "Son" shine for us! Have a wonderful day, dear one!
With love and blessings,
Mrs. Laura

A Joyful Heart said...

Good morning, (or rather Good afternoon!=) Mrs.Laura!

Thank you! I am so glad you were encouraged by this poem! All glory to God! I'm also happy that God has blessed you all with rain. That is true, we should be focusing on Chirst, not on our circumstances-thank you for sharing! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Love and prayers,
Miss Amy

Sunshine Country said...

Excellent poem--thanks for sharing this with us!

A Joyful Heart said...

Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed this poem!

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