Saturday, May 9, 2015

Delicious Stuffed Mushrooms


My brother-in-law makes the most delicious stuffed mushrooms!
Here is a simplified version of his recipe; I hope you enjoy!!

1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened
                  1/2 cup cooked bacon  (or sausage, if your prefer)                  
1 tablespoon chopped green onion
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder   
1 pound whole fresh mushrooms, stems removed
 In a small bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth.
 Stir in the bacon, onion and garlic powder. Spoon into mushroom caps.
Broil 4-6 in. from the heat for 4-6 minutes or until heated through.
Serve warm. Yield: about 2 dozen. 


A Heart of Praise said...

It's been a long time since Graham made these! I need to ask him to again sometime soon, they taste so good! :)

A.J. said...

What a capital idea, and it looks/sounds so simple! I'm sure it would do wonderfully for a side-dish... looks so sophisticated, too.

A Joyful Heart said...

Yes! Emily please tell Graham to make them when we come up (Lord willing)! =) I think his recipe (unlike this one) has some hot sauce though, doesn't it?

A Joyful Heart said...

Thanks, A.J.! Yes, these would be a great a side-dish-You really should try making some. =)

A Heart of Praise said...

Yes, Graham's recipe does include hot sauce, I also think there is an herb, but I can't remember which one, oregano maybe?

A Joyful Heart said...

That sounds about right, thanks!!

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