Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Simple Things

Sometimes it's the simple things, that bring a smile to our face.
A friend, a kindness; a memory of a special place.

Above is a picture my sister took of a Canadian goose and her babies,
while we were visiting in the beautiful country of Canada last year. =) 


 This photo reminds me of a special childhood memory.  
My sisters, brother and I, during the summer months,
 would ride our bikes up to a park, on the outskirts of the town 
where we lived. There was a huge spillway, on the far end 
of the lake within the park, like the one pictured above.  
Canadian geese came often to the lake shore, and we would bring
 bread, and feed it to them-Sometimes they would even
eat the bread crumbs out of our hand!
 Such fun and special memories!

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
and cometh down from the Father of lights, 
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17


A Heart of Praise said...

Those memories of feeding the ducks and geese are special. :) We had a lot of fun at Lake Eureka that's for sure! :) I hope we can go back to the park in Regina when you come (LW). :)

A Joyful Heart said...

That would be fun fun to go to that park again! =) It'd also be neat if we had a small portable grill, that way we could cook some hotdogs for a picnic. =) Looking forward to seeing everyone, Lord willing! =)

Kelpie said...

Nice pictures! I love the one of the geese all lined up on the edge of the falls.

A Joyful Heart said...

Thanks for the comment, Kelpie!
I had to transfer your comment, because I accidentally published this same post twice. =) Anyway thanks again, and I hope you're having a great day! =)

Laura said...

Love this post, Miss Amy...especially the scripture verse...which is what the title of my blog is based on. We often see the geese here...they stop by on their travels...they are so beautiful! Canada is not that far from us!

Hope you are enjoying your new home!
With love,
Mrs. Laura

A Joyful Heart said...

Thank you, Mrs. Laura. I sincerely enjoy receiving your thoughtful comments, they brighten my day! =) Have you been able to visit Canada then? It is such a lovely place!

We are so enjoying it here in the Midwest! Thanks for asking!


Laura said...

Yes, dear Amy, we have been to Canada many times...mostly to Montreal and Ontario. My sister lives in Northern Vermont...almost right on the Canadian border...so many times when we've visited with her we would go across the border. From where we live in Maine it is quite a ride...about 6 hours or so...so we don't go very often from here! Canada has some beautiful history!

Hope you are having a lovely weekend...and enjoying Kansas!
With love,
Mrs. Laura

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