Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nepal Earthquake-Prayer Request and Short Account of Amazing Deliverance

Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion:
 declare among the people His doings. 
Psalm 9:11
Please pray for the Nepali people, who are suffering from the massive earthquakes
that (as you likely know) have struck the country of Nepal (Capital city, Kathmandu) on
Saturday.  The largest quake being a magnitude 7.8, and a more recent one being a 6.8,
and also many aftershocks. More than 4,000 people have died, and more are currently
 being searched for.  It is so heartbreaking to see the photos and hear the stories!

However, we are so thankful to the Lord for His wonderful and miraculous
 protection of my sister Grace and her husband Rob, (who are missionaries
to Kathmandu, Nepal) and their children. At the time of the first major
7.8 magnitude earthquake, they were all at church, and God protected them from harm;
glory to His name!  Although they did experience lots of strong shaking, they were
kept safe. What if they had been in the city, with rubble from heavy stone structures
 crashing to the streets below, or what if they they had been in one of the buildings
 that collapsed...but Praise God, He protected and kept them safe!
Psalm 91.

 Isn't it amazing what God does for those who love and obey Him?
 Would you please keep them in your prayers?  For continued safety, wisdom,
 and strength, for today, and in the days ahead, as I'm sure it will be difficult,
amid the upheaval in Kathmandu and surrounding villages.
Thank you for your prayers and concern!

Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 124:8 


A Heart of Praise said...

God is so good how he took care of them!

A Joyful Heart said...

Isn't it wonderful?! Praise His name!!

Sing praises to the Lord, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people His doings. Psalm 9:11

Laura said...

Oh, dear one, how frightened you must have been when you first learned of the earthquake. What an amazing blessing that your loved ones were safe...the Lord is so good. We continue to hold all those affected up in our prayers...

God bless you and your sweet family,
With love and prayers,

A Joyful Heart said...

Yes, the Lord is so, so good! Thank you so much, Mrs. Laura, you are such a blessing to me!


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