Thursday, April 2, 2015

Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday To Our Sweet Grace! =)

1 years Old
2 Years Old

 A couple of her baby pictures, isn't she so cute?!

She's Still Cute and Pretty! =) Love You Sister, and Adorable Nephew! =)

 Happy Birthday, Grace!
We hope you have a wonderful, and fun day!
Wish we could have a special birthday tea party with you!  =)

Your Family


JoAnna said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! I hope you have a wonderful day--wish we all could be there to celebrate with you! :)

A Heart of Praise said...

Happy Birthday Grace!! :) Hope and pray your day is fun and special! Love you!

Brother & Sister in the Mid-west said...

Grace, We hope you have a spectacular birthday. We love you and the whole family, too. Happy Birthday!

Grace said...

Thank you so much everyone! This sweet post made me feel very special. I am blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Love you!

A Joyful Heart said...

You're welcome, Grace! We're glad this post was special to you. We love you too!

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