Friday, March 20, 2015

First Day of Spring!

 The First day of Spring is here!  I thought this poem about the Book of Life, 
seemed befitting for this lovely, new season!  

The Book of Life

The Bible is the Word of God;
It's a looking glass as well.
Its a chart when sailing stormy seas
And a glorious story to tell.

It's a treasure house of wisdom;
It's a light that clearly shines.
A comfort for the sorrowing
And a hope for troubled times.

It gives the simple wisdom;
Shows the lost the way back home.
Its food for the hungry multitude
And a friend to those who roam.

It is the wondrous Book of books.
To its promises we cling,
For it was given to us
By our glorious God and King.

My heart standeth in awe of thy Word. 
Psalm 119:161

Author Unknown



A Heart of Praise said...

Happy first day of spring! :) I really liked the poem!

A Joyful Heart said...

Glad you liked it, so did I. =)

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