Wednesday, February 25, 2015


"A new year, a new Midwest landscape, and a new blog..."

"Hello everyone, and welcome to my new blog!!
Whether you are a friend, acquaintance, relative :) or stranger,
I'm so happy you have stopped by!! 
Please come again, and I would love to hear from you!"

Just for fun...What is your favorite hot drink in the wintertime? :)
(So delicious...tastes almost like coffee.  Add a little cream and honey, of course!:)
 We are expecting a winter storm in a couple days, and honestly I don't mind! 
I absolutely love snow!  It is so beautiful, and such a loving gift from God.

He giveth snow like wool: He scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. 
Psalm 147:16

For He saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; 
likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of His strength.
Job 37:6

Praise the Lord!


A Heart of Praise said...

I've enjoyed getting on your new blog! :) The drink picture is neat! I think my favorite hot drink is still peppermint tea, hot chocolate is also good every once in awhile. :)

Sunshine Country said...

You did a really good job designing your new blog! :) Peppermint tea is probably my favorite, although I do like some others occasionally as well.

A Joyful Heart said...

Thanks, Emily! =) I love hot chocolate and peppermint tea, occasionally. Today I found this recipe on someone's blog called "The World's Best Hot Chocolate." It sounds really good! Maybe I'll share the recipe. =)

A Joyful Heart said...

Thanks, Southern Sunrise! =)

Sister in the Mid-west said...

Your new blog is very nice!

To answer your question; I would have to say that Celestial Seasonings herbal tea blends are my favorite warm drinks in the winter. It really depends on the weather, time of day, and what mood I am in as to what flavor I choose. That being said, I think a mug of their apple cinnamon spice tea would taste pretty good just about any time.

A.J. said...

I too have been able to enjoy snow this winter like never before! :) So happy to find someone who doesn't grumble about it. ^-^

Favourite warm drink for a winter evening? Definitely plain black tea, always.

A Joyful Heart said...

Sister in the Mid-west,

Thank you!

I wish we had some Celestial Seasonings, "Apple Cinnamon Spice" tea, I'd have some right now! =) I'll make some Orange Black Tea tea instead.

Hope you are doing well!

A Joyful Heart said...

Thank you for the comment, A.J.! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy snow as well! =) I like black tea, (usually with cream and honey) and I especially love it iced in the summertime!

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